House Plans
Here is the final revision of the floor plans plus the engineering plans for our house:
Architectural Drawings
3D – 1st Floor(A)
3D – 1st Floor(B)
3D – 1st Floor(C)
3D – 2nd Floor(A)
3D – 2nd Floor(B)
3D – 2nd Floor(C)
Site Surveys (As Built & Proposed)
Here are the site surveys for the house/lot. The first is the “As Built,” meaning the house as it currently stands. The second is for the proposed changes to the lot and structure:
As-Built Survey
Proposed Survey
Site Development Plan (SDP)
The SDP is required by our county and details the existing site conditions and proposed improvements, including topography, existing/proposed buildings, driveways/walkways, utilities and easements, etc:
SDP – Page 1
SDP – Page 2
Environmental Concept Plan (ECP)
The ECP is required by our county and details the storm-water management plan, natural resource protection, sediment control, floodpain reports, wetlands/forestation issues, etc:
Stormwater Management Plan
The stormwater management plan details how we’ll handle water runoff from the structure:
Stormwater Plan
Electrical Plan
Here is the Electrical Plan for the house (i.e., the location/type of all the fixtures):
Page 1
Electric – Page 2
Electric – Page 3
Electric – Page 4
Cabinet/Vanity Plan
Here is the Cabinet Plan for the house (i.e., the layout of the kitchen, bathroom and dining room cabinets):
Dining / Baths
Trim Plan
Here is the Trim Plan for the house (i.e., the molding, casings, baseboards, etc.):
Trim Plan
Here are copies of our approved permits for the project:
Demo Permit
Grading Permit
Building Permit
Pre-Construction Appraisal
Here is an edited copy of the pre-construction appraisal done by the bank:
{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }
Scott Family
How’d you guys come up with the plans? Was it custom, from the ground up, or did you adapt an existing set of plans for the site?