Week 5 Schedule

by J Scott on July 14, 2014

We’re about two week behind on the foundation work, but we’re scheduled to finish up this week. Last week, we were able to get the foundation backfilled and that was about it.

Here is what we’re looking like in terms of schedule for this week:

  1. Prep for Flat Work: On Wednesday, the foundation company will start prepping for the final concrete work (garage slab, basement slab, front porch, areaway steps).
  2. Delivery of Steel: On Wednesday, the framing company will deliver the steel needed for the main support of the frame.
  3. Pour Flat Work:On Friday, we expect to do the final concrete pour.
  4. Deliver Basement/1st Floor Framing Material: On Friday, we expect to have the basement and first floor lumber, flooring system and wall panels delivered, ready for framing next Monday morning.

Hopefully things won’t slip this week and we can start framing next week…

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