Our foundation company and our plumbing company had a busy day yesterday. Bartley Corp. completed the waterproofing of the exterior, including putting up drainage board, and also completed the exterior drain tile. When the waterproofing crew left, a truck came in to fill the slab area with stone and gravel in preparation for the basement slab. Then the plumbing, C.A. Klein, came in and installed the drain from the areaway to the sump pump, installed the under-slab condensate line for the HVAC and water heater and installed a radon vent.
The county inspector will be out tomorrow to inspect the waterproofing, the drain tile and the under-slab plumbing, and assuming we pass, we’ll be ready for some backfill and final concrete work. The other item that still needs to be completed is the termite pre-treatment — the termite guy was out today to do the work, but there were too many other people on-site, so he left. He’ll be back Thursday afternoon to finish up.
Here are some pictures…
Waterproofing and drainage board:
More waterproofing and drainage board:
Drain tile (there’s perforated pipe and gravel under the webbing):
Gravel/stone where the slab will go:
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