Insulation Bid: Devere Insulation

by J Scott on August 1, 2014

Maryland has pretty much the toughest energy codes of any state in the country, and the cost of insulation here is indicative of that. When I got my first insulation bid at about double what I would have expected, I was ready to call the contractor and basically laugh at him. But, before I did, I decided to get a few more bids. A couple of them were lower, but they were all pretty much in the same ballpark (so, I’m glad I didn’t make that call 🙂 ).

Ultimately, I decided to go with that first bid, as the contractor did a great job of educating me on our county/state insulation requirements, gave a nicely detailed bid and was willing to work with me a bit on the price. That contractor is Devere Insulation and I’ve heard good things about them from some other investors as well.

Here’s how the numbers break down for the insulation work:

  • Base Price: $4,165.40
  • Upgrade – Energy Star: $367.50

TOTAL BID: $4,532.90

The Energy Star upgrade provides some additional sealing in the attic, and should give us more confidence that we’ll pass some required insulation tests needed to get our final Certificate of Occupancy.

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Hal August 4, 2014 at 3:44 pm

I just found your blog. I’m starting a big remodeling project myself about 15 miles away. Your posts are very helpful


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