Framing Bid – Still Negotiating

by J Scott on April 9, 2014

As I mentioned previously, Builder’s First Source came in very high on their original bid, though I’d really like to use them. There are willing to come down about halfway to where we needed to be, but we’re still not low enough to make the budget work.

Part of their bid was installation of Hardi-board (cement board) siding. While this is what we typically used in Atlanta, and is what we prefer to use, vinyl siding is much more common here in Maryland, and is also much less expensive. So, while we’d love cement-board siding, this is a trade-off we’ll likely need to make. Unfortunately, Builder’s First Source doesn’t do vinyl installation, so while we can save money going that route, we’ll need to pull the siding out of this bid and find another siding contractor.

But, even pulling the siding out of the bid, we’re still a few thousand dollars above where we need to be. I’m going to go back with my final number (after pulling out the siding work) and hopefully we can come to an agreement…

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